Personal Notes - Making My Ideas Public


The Mind-Body-Personality Split

The mind-body-personality split is a dumb name for some thoughts I've had about what is the 'self'. This might be a slightly crazy ramblings but the thoughts are intesting to me and are a byproduct of watching videos on the guru Ram Dass.

You Aren't The Body

1.) The self cannot be the body, becau...

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An Idea For An Alternative Computer World

I've had an idea for a long time to create a computer world of my own. I'm not sure I remotely agree with it, and I'm not sure it holds any water, but I wanted to get it down for the sake of sharing it.

Everything would be written from scratch, using Forth bootstrapped on assembly to create a sys...

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Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 Resources List

This blog post is a port of an old idea I never finshed, whilst not very relevant to most of the content I will be posting I hope it can still be useful. I was trying typescript at the time so enjoy the random quote generator above too.

Article Changelog:
2024/07/16 - Updated mod section descrip...

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Why I Made This Site

My motivations for creating the site are:

  • Watching this youtube video.
  • I've had a general dissatisfaction with the internet and its systems (especially after finding out Instagram uses personalised comments per user)
  • I have found that I write ideas down and then lose them, and I want to keep them ...

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